Our phone intake line will be closed February 18-February 23 while our student caseworkers are away for Reading Week. The intake line will re-open starting 9:00 AM on Monday, February 24.
Please note that our Housing division is at capacity and will not be taking new clients in the Winter term, January 2025-April 2025. Current University of Toronto students can request summary housing advice at the CHESS Clinic operated by Downtown Legal Services in partnership with UTSU.
For all other inquiries or to reach any of our staff or students, please call the main office line at 416 934-4535 or contact us by email at law.dls@utoronto.ca. Please note our receptionist’s hours are 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and 1:00 PM-5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. Our fax number is 416 934-4536.